Sunday, February 5, 2012


Michealangelo was born in the small town of Caprese outside of the major italian city Florence. When he was only six years old his mother passed away, leaving him and his father devastated. When he was only 13 years old he relized he wanted to be an artist. When he told his father he beat him. Later on his father accepted it. he got an aprentiship with the artist Ghirlando and got to work. Later on he bacame a very famous Sculptor, Painter and archetict, he did some very famos work like the Sistine Chapel the statue "A state of sorrows".

The painting i liked the most was "The Last Judgment". It was the wall behind the alter of the Sistine Chapel. It's when Jesus somes down to earth and all the souls in the world he decides if they go to Hevean or Hell forever. He stands lined in gold at the center of the painting, to his left his mother kneels next to him. The painting itself is cahos 100's of people take up every inch, each with diffrent expressions of fear and delight. Each person in the painting is unique and in diffrent satnces, all the colors are vibrant and eye cathching, almost too much. Some people go up to hevan (which is at the top of the painting) and the wicked souls are dragged by demons into hell, as they cry in fear and pain. The painting have emotions from one extreme to the other. It's beautiful but frightning.


Top Image: the entire painting.
Middle Image: Saved souls going to Heavan (detail)
Bottom Image: Souls going to Hell (Detail)

1 comment:

  1. nice history about the painting. I like the details you put in yourblog too.
