Monday, February 27, 2012


Isabelle Sturges 807

“The Unfolded Future”

As I sew the quilt my fingers tremble
But the quilt has something to resemble.
My future, my entire existence
Unfolded, unhinged I take the distance.
Sewn together by a single thin thread
It is easily broken which I dread.
And it is so very fragile like glass
And by one mistake, one small mistake CRASH.

I fear what comes next, ringing my hands,
I claw to the top, which only expands
To higher, taller more challenging heights,
In this sadistic game we have to rights.

When I get older what do I desire?
Just to have fun before I expire.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Harlem responce

Harlem by Langston Hughes
What happens to a dream deferred?

Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore—
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over—
like a syrupy sweet?

Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.

Or does it explode?

This was my favorite poem we read. For a while now Langston Hughes has been my favorite poet, ever since last years poetry study. I used to honestly hate poetry, every year in school we would have a study and read some stupid poem and talk about what it meant and stuff. But since last year i had to go beyond the poems my teachers had spoon fed me and venture in to  poetry. Along the way i did read some terrible poems and then i found the beautiful ones. The ones that yelled out to me the got the gears in my brain moving, that made me think about all day and stay up all night. And then there was Langston... his words made me tear up (no joke) they made me angry,they made me somber they made me giddy. And for the first time since kindergarten Poetry made me feel something.
his words are mesmerizing in a way for a poem about dream the words are dreamy and sort of sleepy and heavy. They roll of your tongue. This is not one of his louder poems but a quiet one. I really like the first sentence's alliteration. The poem roams and wanders from one word to the next. The poem has a clear topic but i goes from one question to the next sort of making you wonder and question. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Three poems

1.) What happens to you when you demise
when you
when you

Do you arrive at the pearly gates.
where god awaits?

Do you end up under t
the flames
in the

Or do you end up in
nothing in silence
in darkness


In center he stands
surronded by gold
with every

The wicked damned to hell.
The saved rise above the


the madness.

the disaster.

Demons drag them away.
They scream to almighty.
but it's too late.

It's judgment day.

3.) What is
(i don't know what to do for this so yeah)

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Michealangelo was born in the small town of Caprese outside of the major italian city Florence. When he was only six years old his mother passed away, leaving him and his father devastated. When he was only 13 years old he relized he wanted to be an artist. When he told his father he beat him. Later on his father accepted it. he got an aprentiship with the artist Ghirlando and got to work. Later on he bacame a very famous Sculptor, Painter and archetict, he did some very famos work like the Sistine Chapel the statue "A state of sorrows".

The painting i liked the most was "The Last Judgment". It was the wall behind the alter of the Sistine Chapel. It's when Jesus somes down to earth and all the souls in the world he decides if they go to Hevean or Hell forever. He stands lined in gold at the center of the painting, to his left his mother kneels next to him. The painting itself is cahos 100's of people take up every inch, each with diffrent expressions of fear and delight. Each person in the painting is unique and in diffrent satnces, all the colors are vibrant and eye cathching, almost too much. Some people go up to hevan (which is at the top of the painting) and the wicked souls are dragged by demons into hell, as they cry in fear and pain. The painting have emotions from one extreme to the other. It's beautiful but frightning.


Top Image: the entire painting.
Middle Image: Saved souls going to Heavan (detail)
Bottom Image: Souls going to Hell (Detail)