Sunday, November 20, 2011

2 person social issue poem (indivual)

My mother grounded me all week, I’m going to miss the party this weekend. I hate her.

My mother flung me down the stairs this morning, it’s the second time this week.

She’s horribly mean, she always sits me down for those endless hours about why I should call her when I leave school. It’s so annoying. I can hardly stand it. It’s like she hates me. 

And when I come home from school it’s the same routine, clean the kitchen, take out the trash, do the laundry, make dinner, clean up dinner, fold and put away the laundry and by 11:00 do my homework and at 2:00 am go to sleep. If I’m one minute late it’s a slap in the face and no dinner. To please her is an impossible task I feel like I can’t do much longer.

Is the worst part, the glares, the remarks makes me want to hide and cry. This woman? My mother? Hard to believe.

The sore feeling you get afterwards, your cheeks red from the smack, sore muscles, the stress, and the vomit. I’m scared, I’m sick of the hell in which day by day suffer in. Do other people feel this? I doubt it.


There are the times she loves me, the times she hugs me when I get home from school, “how was your day, sweetie?” makes my entire day. I love her no matter what she says.

To remember the time she once loved me makes me smile, it’s in my heart and my memories, her cold looks of hate and her smacks of pain are bad but I know maybe down in her heart there is a tiny spark of love for me which maybe one day will grow, but for now I play by her rules.

I wrote my indivual poem on child abuse. It's a 2 person thing about one of them is slightly neglected by his or her mother. They do not have the best mother in the world but they are uterly angry about, feeling as though they are slowly slipping out the grasp of there mother's unconditional love. It hurts them and brings the pain. They can't deal with it but they learn to look at bright side of things and to remember that she will always love her.

The other person is an abused child. Her/his mother is on the brink of evil and insanity. the child is abused phisicaly and constantly. He/she is starved and tourmented. There were times she could recall when her mother was sweet and loving which is long gone that keeps her/him alive. To keep her/him still alive she pertends that her/his mother still loves them.

Both children are hurt by there parents. Some rarley and others regularly.

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