Thursday, October 27, 2011

Crank by Ellen Hoppkins

I recently finished the novel "Crank". I over all enjoyed the book. It was written in an interesting style of verse.  It came in different shapes and styles. Thy were short and quick but each one was over whelming and rich. When there were two columns you could read line after line horizontally and it would tell have the story, but to read them vertical it would sing a poem. this was one of the poem that i read in the chapter.
"hit high
fall low
up and down
oh, god."

about the book, the story is about a girl, Kristina. The perfect straight A student, the perfect daugther in until she meets what calls the monster. She meets the monster when she goes to her dad's house in a sleepy town in new Mexico. She hasn't seen her dad in eight years. Then she meets a boy, Adam.  Adam is a drug addict and a  player. He meets Kristina. Kristina falls in love with him and begins to create another person with in herself. Bree, the high school slut, the druggie, Adam's perfect girl. her an Adam go out. And she expires love for the first time.  her to crank. Crank is cocaine, the highly addictive and deadly drug. She is sucked into the monster and her life is changed forever. When she gets back home things become different. Bree takes over her body and now she is popular, she has two boyfriends, she becomes more distant with her family. Then something horrible happens, one of her boyfriends Brendan rapes her. she can't tell her parents, she's alone. She tells Chase her other boyfriend. Chase understands. Her life is okay for a little while until it turns out she is pregnant and Brendan is the father. It ends with her and her baby. She never sees Adam again and tries to quit Crank which is close to impossible. her life is consumed by the monster.

More about the writing style, each sentence consumes you, each sentence begs you to read more more. The page has only be a few sentences. But each sentence brings something new to the table, it brings suspense, it brings a tear to your eye, a gasp and laugh. The book is long,  over 500 pages. But it goes quick because it's to hard to but it down, you're like "After this page I'll put it down. Know after this page i will." Ellen Hopkins is a beautiful writer. She knows how to drag the reader in to the realm of the book until it's almost to real. From this i can't wait for the second part of Kristina's life... Glass.


  1. So like, you said you weren't in my group but I'll just comment on yours because I was absent and don't know who my group is!!
    So, I really liked your reflection on the book. I liked how you thought about what the characters felt like and whether they made the right decisions about what to do in the book or not.
    Very well written. :)

  2. I really like how you elaborated on the characters of the book so the people that didn't read this get to know the book a little. Great reflection!
