Sunday, March 25, 2012

Much Ado About Nothing.

Overall i liked it. It was a Shakespeare comedy. Instead of putting it in 15th century they made the setting in the end of world war 1 and the beginning of the roaring 20's. With it they had plenty of live jazz and costumes like suits and fedoras and Short dresses and head bands. The main characters were Beatrice a feisty independent girl, Benedict a young truthful man, Claudio a rude soldier, Hero a young sweet girl and more. The plot was confusing there were love triangles, deaths, betrayal and self discovery. The props could of used some work, all they had were 3 Tables and 3 chairs, a drink closet and a phonograph. I had absolutely no idea where they were. A house? a bar? what. But they used the props well and the space. The general acting was good, they read the lines very well and clear.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Romeo and Juliet response

My favorite character has to be Mercutio. He is a fun loving and very witty and sarcastic kind of guy. The best friend of Romeo and yet quite opposite to him. Romeo is a serious and dramatic poetic lover like on page 17 act 1 scene 1 his father says: "Many a morning hath he been seen,with tears augmenting the fresh morning's dew, adding to clouds more clouds with deep sighs". But on the other side Mercutio says to romeo on page 43 act 2 scene 4: "if love be rough with love! Prick love for pricking and beat love down."(He uses oxymoron because people don't normally put the words beating with rough) and things like: "Nay gentle Romeo we must have you dance." He constantly uses puns and battles with his wits. i really deeply admire Mercutio and his sense of humor.

I feel like this is a very important line in the play: "if love be rough with love! Prick love for pricking and beat love down." Means that you can't let love get you down you have to man up and move on, otherwise you won't end up well. In modern times this still applys, people who sit on the couch eating ice cream and crying over break ups need to just move on and forget.

Creative writing:
I decided to write a small scene or dialogue.
MERCUTIO: Now Romeo, many a time have you cried over your Rosaline, and thou has explained that your love will not be hit with cupids arrows many a time. You most forget and move on.

ROMEO: I can not, it's not possible, she was an angle fallen from heaven and endowed with god's gift of beauty, she will always be hard to forget, she will never be forgotten.

MERCUTIO: The sun has risen in the east and set in the west many times and thous sighs still become deeper and thous cries have become louder until thy point where you have become mad with sorrow and love. If thy can make i may make this any clearer you must spread your wings and fly away from Rosaline. You must forget and you must move on.

ROMEO: I suppose you are right my friend. There are many beauties in Verona, Just because i do not have Rosaline's love doesn't mean i can never love.